Digital Photography and Cameras, Is There a Right or Wrong Camera?
Digital Photography and Cameras, Is There a Right or Wrong Camera? By, Richard's Photography

So, you're in the market for a digital camera and you're wondering what camera to get. Are all digital cameras made equal when it comes to senior portraits or family portraits? This professional photographer seems to think so. In our 17 years of experience in the portrait world we have come to our personal yet biased conclusion that Canon digital cameras far outweigh and out perform Nikon and Olympus digital cameras.
Why Canon? One of main reason for the bias on Canon is the very friendly while balance Canon seems to have. Whether shooting this awesome camera in raw format, .jpg format or shooting in Auto white balance or setting the camera to custom while balance we also get the most perfect skin tones and color saturation.
Our experience with Nikon seemed to have put reddish or bluish colors that were very hard to adjust in Photoshop. Olympus was an ok camera but the images seemed to be a little on the soft side, a little too soft for our liking. It would make a good vacation camera where accurate skin tones out not crucial. Actually both Nikon and Olympus make great vacation cameras.
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It's all up to each individual portrait photographer on what brand of camera to consider for their portrait work. At the beginning, middle and end of your photo session you want to have that confidence that the images your professional eye captured will be the same results you see when uploading your images to your computer and open them up in Photoshop. It's all a matter of preference or choice on whatever digital camera you choose to use for your professional portrait photography
It's all up to each individual portrait photographer on what brand of camera to consider for their portrait work. At the beginning, middle and end of your photo session you want to have that confidence that the images your professional eye captured will be the same results you see when uploading your images to your computer and open them up in Photoshop. It's all a matter of preference or choice on whatever digital camera you choose to use for your professional portrait photography.
Article by: Richard Rives
Richard's Photography
231 Tammy
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Visit our San Antonio Portrait Studios
San Antonio Professional Photographer specializing in Senior Portraits

So, you're in the market for a digital camera and you're wondering what camera to get. Are all digital cameras made equal when it comes to senior portraits or family portraits? This professional photographer seems to think so. In our 17 years of experience in the portrait world we have come to our personal yet biased conclusion that Canon digital cameras far outweigh and out perform Nikon and Olympus digital cameras.
Why Canon? One of main reason for the bias on Canon is the very friendly while balance Canon seems to have. Whether shooting this awesome camera in raw format, .jpg format or shooting in Auto white balance or setting the camera to custom while balance we also get the most perfect skin tones and color saturation.
Our experience with Nikon seemed to have put reddish or bluish colors that were very hard to adjust in Photoshop. Olympus was an ok camera but the images seemed to be a little on the soft side, a little too soft for our liking. It would make a good vacation camera where accurate skin tones out not crucial. Actually both Nikon and Olympus make great vacation cameras.
Visit our Online Photography Gallery
It's all up to each individual portrait photographer on what brand of camera to consider for their portrait work. At the beginning, middle and end of your photo session you want to have that confidence that the images your professional eye captured will be the same results you see when uploading your images to your computer and open them up in Photoshop. It's all a matter of preference or choice on whatever digital camera you choose to use for your professional portrait photography
It's all up to each individual portrait photographer on what brand of camera to consider for their portrait work. At the beginning, middle and end of your photo session you want to have that confidence that the images your professional eye captured will be the same results you see when uploading your images to your computer and open them up in Photoshop. It's all a matter of preference or choice on whatever digital camera you choose to use for your professional portrait photography.
Article by: Richard Rives
Richard's Photography
231 Tammy
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Visit our San Antonio Portrait Studios
San Antonio Professional Photographer specializing in Senior Portraits